Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) Energy Modelling

  • Not Just For Passive House

    Although primarily designed for Passive House and EnerPHit, the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) can be a useful tool in energy modelling for even the most modest of projects.

  • Calculated Energy Savings

    By taking into account your current and projected designs, modelling can show potential energy savings, helping to realise payback periods and maximising the return on your investment.

  • Accounting for Your Surroundings

    Your house is influenced by its surroundings. By modelling nearby shading, altitude, localised weather conditions and site orientation, we can give a much more accurate idea of what energy gains and losses are possible.

  • Proven Methodology

    Thirty years of global Passive house projects have proven the fabric-first ethos works and lasts.

  • Paragraph 80

    Paragraph 80 allows the opportunity to build on previously unavailable land, as long as the proposed dwelling is of architectural and ecological merit. We can use your architectural and topographical plans to model your proposal and give you a report on whether your property could generate enough energy on-site to support it’s own heating and cooling demand.